Double Exposures

I’ve done some intentional double exposures before, but I was a bit surprised when more than one roll of my recent batch of film was double exposed – unintentionally.   What made it more frustrating was some of the double exposures were from trips to locations I may never re-visit.

I think what happened in my Maxxum 5’s can be set to leave the tab out when a roll of film is rewound, and you can choose to rewind mid-roll.  I think I chose to rewind a roll I had started, then forgot to change the setting back.  Then I must not have noticed the tab or something on a few rolls.   I was actually shocked it happened on more than one.  After I got over the angst of shooting the same roll of film twice in the Cinque Terre and Perth Australia, I started to find some good things in the roll.

As I looked at it more, I notices the frames weren’t perfectly aligned, so that screwed up a few frames, and I cropped a couple others to salvage what I think are pretty cool images.  Here’s an example of the frame mis-alignment:

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Mis-aligned frames on double exposure

This was shot on Kodak Tri-X 400, and it turned out remarkably well for not underexposing for double exposures, and for just randomly mashing up Italy, Australia, and North Carolina.  I’ll comment on a few and share abut half of the roll in a gallery at the end.  The first one is my friend John after a grueling 12+ hour drive to the Outer Banks double exposed atop a wine shop in Italy.  We had left well after him and arrived well before.

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Yeah – I need a drink!

The next couple are the first photos of my wife in Italy.  Unfortunately, she was on a beach in North Carolina, exposed over a few buildings in Italy for a sort of ghostly appearance.  Honestly, she was with me in spirit there, so it’s sort of fitting.

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Fare un foto in Italia?
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Beach or Dinner?  OBX or 5 Terre?

This is one of my favorites.   I just love the way the photo from the tunnel train station matched up with the tunnel of trees along the path to the beach.

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Twin Tunnels

Here’s the remaining pictures.   I liked the experience enough that I’ll probably do some random double exposures again, just not with trips to foreign countries!  I’ll share some color double exposures soon, but it was only a few pictures; it must have been the roll I rewound originally.  Hope you get some laughs or learn something from my mistakes.  🙂

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